Friday, August 15, 2008



The Marathon trilogy was the best set of games for the Mac. Not only was it a fun fist-person shooter with creative levels, but it had an engaging story in which enemies became allies and you had to fight for your own sanity. Its no surprise to me that the creators of Marathon went off and created the ber-hit, Halo. Anyway,the entire Marathon trilogy is available on-linewith patches for todays operating systems, Mac or Windows. Im playing Marathon 2 again, 13 years later (that makes m

Don't waste your time on the the new role-playing game being promoted at Penny Arcade

Today at Penny Arcade, Tycho promoted a role-playing game called Eschalon, Book I. I downloaded the demo and spent about 20 minutes with it. The game's graphics are ten years out of date (and not remotely appealing), and the story and setting are equally cliched. The final straw was that when I clicked on an item, my character didn't automatically walk toward it. Move along. If you're looking for a free game to play, then try one of these.

Osama Loves Video Games

A couple of weeks ago I was contacted by a representative of the website The aim of the site is to show that not all Osamas are terrorist hell-bent on seeing the end of all Americans and apple pie. Their aim is to collect the pictures of 500 Osamas holding up a cue card explaining what they love! They also plan on making a documentary with the same purpose.

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